- Frequently Asked Questions of the Hotel Mayfair Paris -


Answers to all your questions about the Hotel Mayfair Paris and your stay, and more!

Where is the Hotel Mayfair Paris located?

The Hotel Mayfair Paris is located at 3 Rue Rouget de Lisle in the 1st arrondissement in the centre of Paris. It is 2 steps away from Rue de Rivoli, Place de la Concorde and Jardin des Tuileries.

Discover the location of the Hotel here

Does the Hotel Mayfair Paris is equipped for persons with persons with disabilities or reduced mobility?

Yes, the Hotel Mayfair Paris is equipped for persons with disabilities and reduced mobility, please make a request when booking or contact us directly here :

Contact Us

What is the rate for one night at the Hotel Mayfair Paris?

Hotel Mayfair Paris rates depend on the category of the room and the chosen period.
Please consult our booking calendar

What are the check-in and check-out times at the Hotel Mayfair Paris?

Check in at the Hotel Mayfair Paris is from 2pm and check out is until noon.

What are the arrival and departure times of the Hotel Mayfair Paris?

Check-in at the Hotel Mayfair Paris is from 2pm and departures are until 12 noon. It is possible to arrive earlier or leave later under conditions, please make a request at the time of booking.

Does the Hotel Mayfair Paris offer free wifi?

Yes, the Hotel Mayfair Paris offers free Wi-Fi throughout the hotel.

What are the opening hours of the reception at the Hotel Mayfair Paris?

The reception of the Hotel Mayfair Paris is open 24 hours a day, and is multilingual to better inform you.

Is the Hotel Mayfair Paris located in the city centre?

The Hotel Mayfair Paris is located in the very centre of Paris, 1 minute from Place de la Concorde and Place Vendôme, and 5 minutes from the Champs Elysées.

View map of the hotel location here

Which is the closest metro station to the Hotel Mayfair Paris?

The Concorde and Tuileries metro stations are the closest to the Hotel Mayfair Paris and provide access to lines 1, 8 and 12.

See the location of the hotel: here

What are the tourist activities close to the Hotel Mayfair Paris?

The Louvre Museum is 7 minutes from the Hotel Mayfair Paris, the Musée d'Orsay and the Palais Royal are 10 minutes away, and the Opéra Garnier is 15 minutes away.
For shopping and other strolls, the rue Saint Honoré and the rue Cambon are 1 minute away, the Grands Magasins are 10 minutes away.

Which museums are close to the Hotel Mayfair Paris?

The Louvre Museum is 7 minutes from the hotel, the Musée d'Orsay and the Palais Royal are 10 minutes away, and the Opéra Garnier is 15 minutes away.

How many rooms are there at the Hotel Mayfair Paris?

The Hotel Mayfair Paris offers 40 rooms and 7 Junior Suites.

Discover the Rooms and Suites here

What kind of accommodation is available at the Hotel Mayfair Paris?

The 47 rooms are divided into 6 categories, one colour theme per category :
> Single room
> Double Classic
> Double Superior
> Double Deluxe
> Junior Suite
> Family Room

Discover the rooms

Is there a Mini Bar in the rooms of the Hotel Mayfair Paris?

Yes, all rooms at the Hotel Mayfair Paris have a Mini Bar.

Discover the facilities of the rooms and suites here

Can we organise a business meeting at the Hotel Mayfair Paris?

Yes the Hotel Mayfair Paris offers you a meeting room on the ground floor of the hotel, with a maximum capacity of 12 people.

Discover our Meeting Room here

Can we have breakfast at the Hotel Mayfair Paris?

Yes, the hotel offers breakfast.
The Continental and the Buffet are served from 7:00 to 10:30.
Continental breakfast is served, on request, in your room.

Discover our breakfast here

Is there a bar in the Hotel Mayfair Paris?

Yes. The Bar of the Hotel Mayfair Paris is pleased to welcome you from 7:00 am to 11:00 pm.

Discover the Bar

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