- Culture, Style & Elegance -
Welcome to the Hotel Mayfair Paris
Location, location, location? Stay in the district of fashion and culture in Paris. In the historical heart of the city, between Place de la Concorde, Place Vendôme and Place de la Madeleine, discover this 4-star boutique hotel univers. You will be close to the Opera, the Galeries Lafayette, the luxury boutiques of the Faubourg Saint-Honore, the Louvre Museum and the Orsay Museum.
No other location can compeet. But not only. Browse our official website and learn more about us!
- Elegance -
Rooms & Suites
6 floors, 40 rooms and 7 junior suites. A classic french style decoration. Style, charm, elegance, are in Paris, where else ! Business traveler, solo traveler, couples, families and friends, find your favourite room.
Free Wi-fi
Air conditioning
Coffee machine
Room service
In-Room Massage
Communicating rooms
A journey of a thousand miles always begins with a first step".
- Services -
Our services
Fitness room
Reception 24-7
Multilingual reception
Baggage handler / Luggage locker
- Access -
How to get to the Hotel Mayfair Paris
How do you get to the hotel? Nothing more simple : follow Paris Center, direction Place de la Concorde. The hotel is in the heart for the triangle Louvre Museum, Concorde Place and Vendome Place.